
Going Dutch: To have each participant pay his fair part of the bill.

DutchTab lets you quickly and easily split bills between friends or coworkers. It can automatically calculate everybody's fair part based on the ratio of each person’s order, or optimize who owes who based on their contribution when the bill was paid. You can even send everybody a summary by email or SMS from your device.

When you don't need fancy optimizations, the "quick tip" section helps you quickly determine the tip and split the bill evenly.

Whether sharing a lunch order with coworkers, dining out with friends or splitting bills with roommates, those who have cash can take care of bills and get their fair part later. With DutchTab, going Dutch has never been so easy!

version 1.0

Bills - main screen People - main screen Quick tip and split - main screen Bill summary Bill information Partaker Partaker's item edition Person information

Looking for a Windows Mobile 6 version? It's free too!

version 1.3