
GrocerySort helps you build and sort your grocery lists, and easily shop for groceries without forgetting anything.
Its intuitive interface makes it easy to create grocery lists and add items. It suggests item names as soon as you
start typing, so you don't have to write whole words. It automatically sorts items on your list based on the order you
bought them last time.
When shopping, you get a clean and sorted view of what you need to purchase. When you mark items you buy along, it
moves them to the end of the list so you can concentrate on what is missing.
Its special sorting algorithm learns from one grocery to another. If you bought brocoli before bread once, and
bought bread before milk another time, it will know brocoli should come before milk in your next lists. This works by
place, so shopping at different places won't confuse it.
You can also create special virtual places that serve as categories for creating read-only grocery lists. This is
great for recipes you want to make sure you have all ingredients for, or recurrent grocery items you don't want to
forget. Then, from within a grocery list, you can import items from those special grocery lists, or items you didn't
buy on previous groceries.

version 1.1