slimPASSWORDS allows you to bring your password list with you, on your Windows Mobile device, when you're on the go.
Using strong AES 256-bit encryption to secure your precious information, you can quickly search for password
entries using a few letters of their category or title, edit and create new entries, generating new random passwords
on demand. You can quickly view or copy in the clipboard the username, email or password, so you can paste it in
another mobile application, or type that information when using other computers. For those mobile applications that do
not support pasting, you can open a floating popup window that stays on top while you type in your password. Password
entries can have an URL associated with them, for quickly opening your favorite web sites that require credentials.
Password Store files (*.skps) created by slimPASSWORDS are compatible with
slimKEYS password
files used by the slimLAUNCH.Passwords extension. You can share your passwords between your Windows desktop computer
and your mobile device!

version 1.2